Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Man-Fast

I have been through a lot in the past year and decided that I am growing very tired of it. I think that the best way to get back on track is to spend an entire year in a committed relationship with myself and my religion. It may sound crazy but I think that it is needed.

You know how people give things up for lent for a few weeks in the spring? That is kind of what I’m doing but for a whole year. Now, this man-fast does not mean that I am going to banish all of the men in my life; it just means I’m going to “bro-zone” them.

The rules of my man-fast include:

1.       No relationships.

2.       No “talking.”

3.       No flirting.

4.       No hookups.

5.       No giving my number out.

6.       No cuddling.

7.       No drunken kisses.

These are some, if not all, of the rules for the next year. I can still go out and party with friends and do everything I usually do, i'm just not going to worry about the male population at the party. They can wait. This may sound crazy but I have done the long relationship thing, I have done the dating around thing. Now, I just want to cut out the drama. I want to do the fast from June 1, 2013 until June 1, 2014. Today is May 29, 2013, so for the next couple of days I’ll be in the pre-fasting phase where I will need to cut ties with people I have been talking to. This is my life and this is 100% my decision. I can break the fast early if I so choose but the guy would have to really be worth it. I have been collecting opinions about the fast and I have had a few people tell me that guys are going to lose interest in me if I stop paying attention to them for a year. My response: GREAT! If a guy is really interested in me and worth dating, he would respect my decision. I think this would just be a good filter. Think about all the douchebags I’m going to avoid! My first year of college should be about school and myself. I am young. I have the rest of my life to be in relationships, right now I want to just enjoy my youth.

If you want things to change, make the change. Be the change.

I’m changing. I’m growing. I’m making myself happy.

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