Over a year ago, I was in a horrific relationship with the
definition of white trash. Mr. White-Trash liked to drink and throw things. He was
always pissed off about something and it was almost always my fault. He got
drunk and ended up getting too aggressive with me and I had no choice but to
leave. We haven’t really talked much since the breakup, only a few times.
For some reason he likes to call me when he gets out of
jail. I hadn’t heard from him in months until last night when he decided to
call me. I asked where he had been lately and his response was jail. I wasn’t very
surprised, this being his third time in jail in the last year. This time, the charges were: firing a lethal
weapon and assault. His excuse was that he got mad…… really?
He went on to tell me that he missed me. (unaware of my
man-fast) I let him go on and on for a minute or so and then when he finished
my response was….
“So, how was jail?”
Idiot. I feel like if I were ever to get back together with
him I would end up living in a trailer with a bunch of little white-trash
babies breakin’ shit. He would be constantly drunk and abuse would be a normal
thing between us. No thanks. I could do a lot better. I swear he is in jail
more than at his actual home. I think I’m going to start calling Mr.
White-trash’s house, his vacation home.
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