Prom enrages me. What is even the point?! Girls on average will spend $200+ on a dress, $100+ on hair and makeup, $50+ on shoes, and $15+ on nails. Guys on average will spend $140+ on a rental tux, $50+ on tickets, $50+ on a limo, $50+ on dinner, and $5+ on condoms... plus the alcohol money for their "after-prom". For those of you who can't count... that's on average $660+ ON A HIGH SCHOOL DANCE.... let me break this down for you... A girl will spend 200+ on a dress they will wear one, maybe two times. 100+ on hair and makeup that will hardly last through pictures. 50+ on shoes that will be removed within ten minutes of reaching the dance. 15+ on nails they guy most likely won't even notice.... they do this so they can take pictures and go to the dance and act like Angelina Jolie. They secretly enjoy competing to see who is the fairest of them all. why else would they have to spend so much money?! ARE YOU GOING TO A HIGH SCHOOL DANCE OR ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED?! Most people don't even stay at prom long! They leave early for an after prom.... keep in mind, the tickets cost between $25-$50.
Every day I hear/see girl drama. Someone is always going on about who they hate at school.... If you hate everyone... why go stand in a room with them on a Saturday night, if not to prove that you are "prettier" than them?
Why not just do what you really want to do?! Look hot, take pictures of yourself (make sure you add them all to facebook so that everyone knows that you think you are pretty), pick at salad (because Lord knows if you eat LIKE A NORMAL PERSON, you will spontaneously burst through your dress like the incredible hulk), go drink (and throw everything up.. including your "salad"), and hook up with your boyfriend.... You would be doing all the tasks expected just cheaper. If I wanted to go to prom I would dress in overalls, high socks, pigtails, no make up, and dance in my basement to my own music... in fact, I PROBABLY WILL! Am I bitter? No. Why? Because, I know I'm beautiful and I plan to do that when I get married... maybe. It's a high school dance... chill bro....
The next girl to ramble about how much they are spending on prom... i'm going to punch... hard, right in the fake boob.
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