Sunday, November 13, 2011


Every time someone says the feeble-minded cliche “lets just be friends” i have the strong urge to scream in response, “are you on crack cocaine?” Since when in the history of time has that actually turned out as planned?? keep in mind the few exceptions such as:
dating in middle school or prior.
dating for a week or less
actual abuse of crack cocaine, in which case, said memory ceases to exist
If you date someone for months/years and part of their breakup speech consists of “lets just be friends” or any other variation… don’t hold your breath because it most likely wont happen…. actually for some people, please consider holding your breath…… And do you actually think that they want to be friends with you?? no!! not really, but it sounds much better than the truth which usually reads as…
“im dumping your ass and i plan on hating you after, even though i am well aware that i am the one that actually chose to break up. every time i see you i plan to either look the other way, or glare. Here pretty soon (assuming it hasnt already happend) i will start hooking up with your best friend. things probably wont turn out well with her due to some hint of conscience she possesses, in which case… ill return to you. and since your slightly dense i assume youll take me back.”
Nobody says that because usually that results in physical or mental trauma on one or both sides. a cliche seems much more socially acceptable right?? since social acceptance is the goal of most people nowadays. i hate hearing cliches but i particularly loathe that one because it is abounding with bullshit. not once has it proved true so why then is it still part of the break up eulogy? its irritating really… 
next time i make an attempt to leave someone,(assuming there is one of course) i think ill just be honest and say….”i dont like you, go away” 
lets try some honesty

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